Hi there! Today’s Secret Mom Hacks episode is especially close to my heart. We're taking a trip down memory lane to revisit my breastfeeding journey as a first-time mom. With August being National Breastfeeding Month, there's no better time to chat about the not-so-glamorous but oh-so-rewarding world of breastfeeding. Let's rewind back to episode 3, where I share my (all too common) breastfeeding challenges. Listen HERE!

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The Rocky Start

So, picture this: you’re in the hospital, having just given birth to your beautiful baby. You’re asked, "Are you going to breastfeed or use formula?" Seems straightforward, right? Well, spoiler alert: it wasn't! I had grand plans of effortless nursing, imagining it to be as natural as breathing. Oh, how naïve I was!
The nurses were amazing, demonstrating various cradling styles and nursing positions to help baby get a good latch. But latching, my friends, is a beast! 🐉

It felt like we were both fumbling through an intricate dance. Despite our efforts, milk production just wasn't happening.

The Pumping Solution

When traditional nursing didn't quite pan out, the hospital rolled in a hospital-grade breast pump. And voilà, milk started flowing! 🌊 I was thrilled to give baby her first bottle of my milk. It's not the same hormones or bonding as direct breastfeeding, but it worked. Remember, mamas, it’s about finding what works for you and your baby.

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Enter: The Lactation Consultant

Feeling deflated upon leaving the hospital, I turned to my lifeline—lactation consultant Kimberly. Seriously, she is the guru you need. She introduced me to the "nipple shield," a small, clear, rubbery device that truly saved my breastfeeding journey. It transformed my nipple into a more bottle-like shape, making it easier for baby to latch. And guess what? We succeeded!

The Long Haul

From those early struggles, we soared! I breastfed my daughter until her first birthday, despite facing some incredibly stressful and life-changing events around her six-month mark. Life threw curveballs that impacted my milk supply, forcing me to supplement with formula towards the end. And that's perfectly okay.

Formula: The Unsung Hero

Here's the real talk, moms: whether you're breastfeeding, using formula, or a mix of both—you're a superhero. 🦸‍♀️ Breast milk might be liquid gold, but formula is a solid gold star for mothers who need it. At the end of the day, the goal is a healthy, happy baby and a sane, content mama. FED IS BEST!

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My Breastfeeding Philosophy

Breastfeeding got off to a rocky start for me, but with determination, help from a lactation consultant, and a nifty gadget like the nipple shield, we made it work. If you’re encountering similar hurdles, know that there are resources and specialists out there to guide you. And if breastfeeding just isn’t in the cards, formula is absolutely fine. You're feeding and loving your baby—that’s what matters.

Join The Conversation

Have you had challenges with breastfeeding? Found a unique hack that made all the difference? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let's create a supportive space for all mamas!

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In the meantime, you've got this, mama!

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