Hi friend! This week's Secret Mom Hacks episode continues my heartfelt conversation with the incredible Sarene Leeds—a fellow podcast host who gets real about the complexities of parenting a neurodivergent child. Today's show is part two of my four-part series with Sarene. (Check out part one HERE and stay tuned our next few conversations coming soon!)

Sarene and I touch on some important and often under-discussed aspects of motherhood. From the initial ADHD diagnosis of Sarene's daughter to a recent and more comprehensive autism spectrum disorder evaluation, Sarene pulls back the curtain on what it means to walk this unique path. Listen to today's full episode HERE.

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The Unexpected Rollercoaster of Diagnosis

One thing that struck me was how Sarene described the journey as "slow as molasses." Imagine waiting months just to get an initial telehealth appointment. And guess what? Even getting the right diagnosis and services feels like an eternity. Sarene really emphasizes that persistent advocacy is crucial when it comes to neurodivergent children, and let's just say, she’s become quite the expert at rattling some cages. (One of a number of qualities I admire about her!)

Real Talk with Real Experiences

Sarene's honesty about the emotional toll and the bureaucracy involved in getting the right support for her daughter is nothing short of refreshing. )She even shares how her experiences influenced her grad school thesis!)

She also shares a poignant moment about obstacles in kindergarten and how constant changes like substitute teachers and personal upheavals made an already complicated situation even more tricky. It's a lot for any family to handle, and Sarene's resilience is truly inspiring. 💪

Prefer to listen to this episode on YouTube?

Dancing Through the Challenges

One of my favorite parts of our chat? Sarene's joy in finding a dance studio that not only accepts but embraces her daughter. (City Center Dance in White Plains, New York, you are amazing!) When life throws curveballs, it's heartwarming to know there are communities that welcome and support neurodivergent children with open arms.

Advocating Like a Superhero

Sarene is a fierce advocate for her daughter. We have to be our children's biggest champions, especially when the system is slow and flawed. She advocates for open communication and honesty, even when it’s tough. Her approach to explaining ADHD and autism to her daughter is all about transparency. And as she aptly puts it, it's crucial to stop trying to fit "square peg neurodivergent kids into neurotypical round holes."

Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify.

Closing Thoughts

This conversation isn't just for parents of neurodivergent children; it’s a powerful reminder of the strength, resilience, and love inherent in all forms of parenting.

Whether you're tuning in to gain insights, find solace, or simply learn something new, this episode is a must-listen. Tune-in now!

Connect with Sarene Leeds:

Let’s keep the conversation going and remember—you’ve got this, mama! 💖🌈
Until next time!


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