Hi there! Many of us are in the thick of back-to-school chaos, so today we’re diving deep into that challenging annual shift from the lazy, hazy days of summer to the more structured, demanding routine of the school year.

It's back-to-school week in our household and with the start of this new school year, I thought it was fitting to revisit some invaluable tips from episode 32, focusing on easing this transition for our families. Ready? Let’s get into it! [Click HERE to listen now!]

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Start Early: Think Marathon, Not Sprint
First things first, let's talk timing. Start early to build a school-year routine. Don't leave everything to the last minute. Gradually adjust bedtime and wake-up times a couple of weeks before school starts. If you didn’t get to do this, no worries! Start now. Easing your family into the new schedule can prevent those shocking “you-have-to-wake-up-at-6 AM-now” moments. 😅

Set Clear Expectations: Communication is Your Best Friend
Next up is the art of clear expectations. Gather the family, sit down, and discuss the school schedule, extracurricular activities, and any other commitments. Laying everything out can significantly reduce anxiety for both kids and parents. And remember, clear communication is the key. Talk about homework, chores, and any other responsibilities. Trust me, it's way easier to navigate the school year when everyone is on the same page!

Prefer to listen to this episode on YouTube?

Organize Like a Boss: Enter the Family Calendar
If there’s one thing that can make or break your school year, it's organization. I'm a HUGE advocate for a family calendar. In our home, Google Calendar is the holy grail. It's miraculous how a shared calendar can keep everyone’s schedules aligned. If you haven’t set one up yet, hop over to YouTube for a quick tutorial. It’s a total game-changer!

Prioritize Self-Care: Move That Body!
Oh, self-care. We mention it nearly every episode on Secret Mom Hacks because it’s THAT crucial. Encourage your family to stay active, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Our family loves taking walks and bike rides — a perfect way to keep us all active and off those pesky screens. My daughter love her bike, and as a runner, I get my cardio in by jogging alongside her. It’s fun, and it ticks the self-care box for us!

Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify.

Focus, Focus, Focus: Create a Study Oasis
To help your kiddos stay focused, create a designated homework and study space. It should be quiet, well-lit, and distraction-free. Trust me, setting up this special area away from the hustle and bustle of common areas like the kitchen or living room will work wonders for their concentration.

Share the Load: Delegation is Key
We moms often feel like we have to juggle everything, but delegation is a lifesaver. Share responsibilities with your partner and kiddos. Teamwork makes the dream work, especially during these busy months leading up to the holiday season.
Believe it or not, we’re already gearing up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the end-of-year festivities. By sharing the load now, you’ll glide through the remainder of the year with less stress.

As noted in the episode, these fabulous tips were inspired by Ashlee at FargoMom.com.

Listen to the episode in full HERE.

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Wishing you the best week ever!


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