In this week's episode, I'm welcoming you to a world where Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a dreaded chore that looms over your head, sucking away precious moments you'd rather spend munching on ice cream with the kiddos or enjoying a little me-time. Because, let's face it, who said Spring cleaning couldn’t be fun... or at least painless? [Click HERE to listen to the episode!]

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We know all too well that our homes don’t magically clean themselves (and wouldn't that be a dream!), so I've dipped into a treasure trove of tips and tricks, courtesy of Clean Mama, to bring you a Spring cleaning guide that's all about maximizing efficiency and minimizing stress.

Dive Into Daily Tasks: The Clean Mama Way

Clean Mama hit the nail on the head with her approach to breaking up the monumental task of cleaning into bite-sized daily rituals. Here’s a breakdown of those super manageable tasks that won’t leave you feeling like you’ve just run a marathon:

  • Make the Beds — Tidiness begins with a fluffed pillow!
  • Check Floors — Quick sweeps can save you from bigger messes later.
  • Wipe Counters — Because crumbs are the glitter of the kitchen.
  • One Load of Laundry — Keep that mountain of clothes at bay.
  • Handle Clutter — If it doesn’t spark joy, why let it loiter?

Check out her post about the power of these daily tasks!

Prefer to listen to this episode on YouTube?

Declutter: Room by Room

Spring is synonymous with fresh starts, and what better way to embrace this than by decluttering? Clear out those nooks and crannies with these straightforward tips:

  1. Start Small — Choose a drawer or a shelf. Victory over a small space can give you a big motivational boost!
  2. Use the Four Box Method — Keep, donate, sell, or trash. Decide fast and don’t look back.
  3. The One-Year Rule — Haven’t used it in 12 months? It’s probably time to say goodbye.
  4. Declutter Regularly — Make it a routine, perhaps every first Saturday of the month? Make it fun and involve the whole family!
  5. Seek Support — Everything's better with friends, even decluttering. Make it a declutter party!

Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify.

Deep Clean Like a Pro

Alright, brace yourselves. It’s time to tackle the stuff of legends: deep cleaning. Yes, that means the lurking dust bunnies under the couch and those forgotten corners of the house. Here’s how to get every corner sparkly clean without collapsing into a heap:

  • Go Systematic — Start from the top and work your way down. Gravity is your friend here.
  • Pay Attention to Details — The devil's in the details like light fixtures and baseboards.
  • Schedule Regular Sessions — Consistency will keep your home consistently clean.

Maintain the Sparkle All Year Round

Finally, let's ensure all that hard work counts for the long haul with these habits:


PS: Don't forget to...