Welcome to another delightful detour down the wild road of motherhood! Today's episode whirls through the labyrinth of breastfeeding, latching, and nursing.

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Picture this: You're tenderly holding your newborn in the hospital, filled with that indescribable joy (and a touch of terror).

"Are you planning to breastfeed or use formula?" the nurse asks. Envisioning a serene scene of natural, effortless nursing (ha!), I said, "Breastfeed, of course!"
Reality check. Latching is no walk in the park, people.

Breastfeeding for me wasn’t the harmonious dance I’d imagined. Despite the support of nurses, my little one just couldn’t get the latch right. The milk wasn’t flowing, and my baby wasn't getting properly fed. Cue the panic and the “am I a bad mom?” thoughts.

But the hospital didn’t leave me hanging. Enter the breast pump—a curious contraption that, when hooked up, got the milk flowing like magic. Pumping wasn’t ideal, sure, but I was just psyched to be giving my baby that liquid gold. From that point, it was a cycle of pumping and bottle feeding, all in the name of nourishment.

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Still, my story didn’t end there. I felt defeated and stressed, feelings which, fun fact, can impact milk production. Determined to make breastfeeding work, I sought the wisdom of a local lactation consultant named Kimberly. (Shoutout to her and Middle TN Lactation!) She introduced me to a miraculous, albeit tiny, device known as a nipple shield—imagine a small, rubbery sombrero for your nipple. This became our secret weapon, helping my baby latch correctly and eventually leading to beautiful, peaceful nursing sessions.

For a full year, we rode the breastfeeding train. Through working full-time, pumping at the office, and the emotional roller coaster of early motherhood, I persisted. But life threw in some stresses, and by the end of our breastfeeding journey, I occasionally had to supplement with formula—perfectly okay, by the way.

Here’s the core message: If breastfeeding is important to you, know that there are tools and professionals to help you navigate bumps along the way. And if you decide that formula is the route for you? You’re doing an amazing job. Your mission is simple—keeping your baby happy, healthy, and fed.

Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify. 

And remember, a bit of self-care goes a long way. Drink your water, move your body, slap on some moisturizer, and, please, for the love of your skin: sunscreen! Oh, and a fun side note—I tried a Zumba class for the first time postpartum. My knee might be giving me side-eye today, but my heart is full.

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Favorite resources for listeners:

  • Instacart for grocery delivery - use code KFARMER39312D to get $10 off your first order.
  • Qube for managing your family spending plan - use code SECRETMOMHACKS to get two months free.
  • Herbaly wellness tea for my daily cuppa.
  • HOKA for moms on the run.

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