Hi there! I'm thrilled to welcome a new guest on Secret Mom Hacks! Today’s episode was such a special one to record, and I can’t wait to dive into the rich conversation I had with Annie F. Downs.

She’s a New York Times bestselling author, a sought-after speaker, and host of the wildly popular That Sounds Fun podcast, which has amassed over 100 million downloads. Amid her impressive accolades, she maintains a down-to-earth, humorous demeanor that engages worldwide audiences.

Today, we’re shining a spotlight on her latest heartwarming project: her children's book "Where Did TJ Go?"

[Listen to our full conversation HERE.]

This book is not just another addition to her extensive work but a deeply personal story that dives into the delicate topic of grief and loss for children. As moms, we know how tricky navigating these waters can be, and Annie has crafted a gentle guide to help us and our little ones understand these big emotions with love and faith.

Annie’s inspiration is rooted deeply in her family’s story. As the oldest sibling, she closely witnessed her sister Tatum’s journey through multiple miscarriages and then the bittersweet miracle of her nephew TJ, who was diagnosed with a life-limiting condition known as trisomy 18. In this episode, Annie shares the emotional journey of preparing for TJ’s arrival and eventually, his departure.

While seeking resources to help her nephew Sam, Annie penned a story just for him. Initially meant to be a personal family treasure, this touching narrative has now blossomed into a published book reaching families in need of comfort and hope.

We spent time talking about Annie’s approach to conceptualizing such a sensitive topic for young minds. Her insight into holding joy and suffering at the same time is profound. Isn’t it true that life is filled with these dualities? The grief of losing TJ and the joy of knowing he’s in a beautiful place represent this balance, and Annie superbly captures that complex reality within the pages of her book.

Adding to this treasure box of wisdom is David Thomas from Raising Boys and Girls, who penned a thoughtful letter included in the book, offering practical advice for parents to navigate these conversations. Annie touched on the importance of being actual and factual with kids about loss, demystifying death, and presenting heaven as a relatable and wondrous place, all of which create a comforting narrative rather than one rooted in fear.

Annie’s work is a testament to the power of storytelling in healing and the importance of making complex emotions accessible for our little ones. Her generosity in sharing personal stories serves a higher purpose of helping other families in similar situations, and it's truly humbling. Whether you're dealing with the intricacies of grief now or wish to equip yourself for future conversations, Annie’s story and her book, "Where Did TJ Go?," provide a beacon of light and understanding.

Connect with Annie F. Downs:

As we continue on this journey of parenthood, may we be reminded of the importance of finding and sharing resources that nurture both us and our children.

Thank you, Annie, for your incredible work and for providing us with yet another tool to help navigate this path. Catch our full conversation HERE.

Until next time, hold those little ones close and remember—you got this, mama!

Talk with you soon!

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