Seems like yesterday we toasted the New Year, but believe it or not, we're nearing the end of the first quarter of 2023! How are those New Year's resolutions coming along?

Studies show 80% of resolution-ers have given up by mid-February. I used to set resolutions every year. While some would make it through summer, most fizzled come March, so I gave up on "declaring" any resolutions. My focus became just being more conscious/present with my choices and goals. Even then, life would happen and I'd go into survival mode...just trying to pedal as fast as I could through to the next day.
I realized this "survival" mindset was at least keeping me afloat, but is it really what I wanted to maintain? I knew I didn't want to "just survive"...I want to thrive!

So how could I find this happy balance between setting goals towards dreams/desires each year while also being flexible with attaining them?
I stumbled onto a solution while listening to one of my favorite podcasts last year - "Happier with Gretchen Rubin." On episode 407 back in December, Gretchen and her sister/co-host Liz covered their 22 in '22 lists - what they accomplished and what they didn't. Go take a listen HERE.
Basically, the idea is you pick 20ish things you'd like to accomplish over the next 12 months, put them on a list that's easy to review regularly - whether that's weekly or monthly - then work towards checking off each item. Easy peasy!!

Immediately after listening to this episode I started working on my 23 in '23 and am very pleased with my list. I'm sharing them with you here so I can easily be held accountable by the time December rolls around.👇🏻
- Create monthly content plan for blog & podcast - ⭐️DONE!🎉
- Host mom brunch
- Take new headshots
- Clean and organize office
- Print photos for hallway/stairs
- Host potluck or backyard gathering for neighbors
- Read 6 books
- Publish 35 blog posts & podcast episodes
- Go to group fitness classes 6x per month
- Book 10 voiceover jobs
- Secure 2 podcast sponsors
- Attend 6 meetups - for podcasting or voiceover
- Plan Disney cruise
- Pay off all cc debt - ⭐️DONE!🎉
- Make bath bombs
- Buy new headphones for podcasting
- Book rage room experience
- Host a game night
- Sign up for and run 10k
- Pick 2-3 childhood/college friends - schedule visit
- Log 1,400 miles on FitBit by the end of 2023
- Attend a mom or podcast conference
- Less tablet time for munchkin-Complete Pre-K workbook/flashcards or play with Busy Binder
Several of these are DONE, as noted above, or in progress. I plan to circle back on these here with you near the end of June. Hopefully several more will be completed by then!🤞🏻

How about you?? Do you have a list of things you'd like to accomplish by December 2023? Have resolutions worked for you? Please share with me in the comments below!
I'm putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's podcast episode. Can't wait to share it with you!!
If you have an idea or topic I should cover, feel free to drop me a voice note HERE or DM me on Instagram.
Hope you're crushing this Tuesday! 💪🏻
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